Recycled Art

Plastic waste can be valorized by turning it into value-added products or symbolic installations.

One such use of plastic waste is to use it for art, which can in turn be used to raise awareness about plastic pollution.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein

Plastic waste can be valorized by turning it into value-added products.

One such use of plastic waste is to use it for art, which can in turn be used to raise awareness about plastic pollution.

“Plastic pollution is like a ticking time bomb; the longer we ignore it, the worse the consequences will be.” – Jane Goodall.

Valorisation of Plastic Waste

As part of the Island Guardians project, some of the plastic waste collected during our beach clean-ups was turned into an art installation that is currently exhibited at Esplora Interactive Science Centre in Kalkara. The Bebbuxu (Sea Snail) exhibit was designed and made by local artist Joseph Barbara.
Read more about Joseph here and find out more about the exhibit here!

Art Project Coming Soon!

As part of the Island Guardians project, some of the plastic waste collected during our beach clean-ups will be turned into an art installation at Esplora Interactive Science Centre.