Update — 5 Min Read

Bugibba Bay Half a Tonne Cleaner!

Update — 5 Min Read

Buġibba Bay Half a Tonne Cleaner!

The first Island Guardians Clean-Up relieved Bugibba Bay of half a tonne of mixed waste!

On 6th July, a dedicated and enthusiastic team of volunteers and divers coordinated by Zibel and Esplora Interactive Science Centre set to work at Bugibba Bay in the north of Malta, dredging up the following items from the seabed and seashore:

Plastic: 78.00kg

Ropes and Fishing Gear: 56.12kg

Glass: 15.00kg

Metal: 128.9kg

Mixed Waste: 295.48kg

Total: 573.50kg

This clean-up was carried out with all required permits and in accordance with the Beach Clean-up Guidelines drafted by the Remedies Consortium.

A big thank you to the 69 volunteers who donated their time and energy on this scorching Saturday morning, to make Malta cleaner and more plastic-free!

Please do join us and Zibel again on 20th July for our second Island Guardians clean-up!

Follow this space for location and time and other details!

Photos by Alex Turnbull